Sunday Odyssey GSport Odyssey Fairdale

NEW LOGIN METHOD COMING MAY 28TH. To better protect your accounts, we'll be updating how accounts login next week. Your username and password will remain unchanged, but instead of solving a CAPTCHA, a one time passcode will be sent to your account's email address and that will be used to verify your login. We will also begin requiring customers to login to access our website entirely.

Contact us if you need to update your email address.

BSD West Coaster Mind Wheel Black

BSD West Coaster Mind Wheel Black

Options MSRP
RHD Black $279.99 SKU: BSW-504R-BK
LHD Black $279.99 SKU: BSW-505R-BK

A complete rear freecoaster wheel built around the proven West Coaster hub and all other top spec BSD parts, the exact same tried and tested wheels that the BSD team uses without the hassle of building them€¦

Includes Jersey Barrier hubguards